Olive oil is one of the most beneficial goods on the market, which is not surprising given that it is a mainstay in Italy and a fantastic complement to so many recipes. However, there are several facts concerning olive oil that you may not be aware of. It is not only a delicious addition to our diet, but it also has numerous health benefits!

Before we get into the many advantages, let’s talk about the many sorts. In general, the less refined oil is, the more nutrients it has, but it is also more expensive.

Extra virgin” olive oil is often obtained from the first pressing, whilst “virgin” olive oil is obtained from the second. “Cold Pressed” is especially beneficial because the maker never heats the product over room temperature during the extraction process, preserving many nutrients. The less expensive “normal” or “pure” brands are often prepared using chemical refining and filtering, which neutralises the tastes and acid concentrations.

We also advocate purchasing organic olive oil to help conserve the sensitive ecosystems from which the olives are sourced, as well as to get a more taste and nutrient-dense oil.

Follow your instincts and purchase what you believe is best for you based on the information provided above!

Earache Relief

Many people swear that olive oil can alleviate earaches. We’re not sure, but we know it’ll make things a lot better. Apply the oil to the exterior of the ear cavity with a cotton swab.

Assist in Soothing a Burn

Many people enjoy aloe vera juice, and we do as well, but if it is not available, olive oil can suffice! Cool the burn with cold water (some argue this) and apply the oil every hour or so; the burn will be gone or much reduced in a couple of days.

Killer of Lice

We’re guessing no one knew this, and if you did, you’re a genius!

Lice cannot survive for longer than 30 minutes without oxygen. If you or someone you know has pests on their scalp, follow the instructions below and they will be gone in 2 hours.

  1. Apply generously to the scalp
  2. Put on a shower cap and use a blow dryer to warm it up for around 15 minutes (please be careful)
  3. Leave the cap on for an hour to ensure that they are all dead.
  4. Remove the cap and ring out the oil.
  5. Use a lice comb to remove the dead lice from your hair.
  6. Continue to check for lice and nits over the next day or so, using the lice comb as frequently as possible.

This is a fantastic technique to avoid the harsh chemicals that most people use while still getting the desired result!

Create Your Exfoliant

Simply add some sea salt and olive oil to make an exfoliant. Your skin will gleam with health, and you will save money by producing your own!

usda organic

Remover of Makeup

Simply apply olive oil on a cotton swab and wipe away the make-up. It works well with all types and moisturises your skin in the process!

Repair Squeaky Doors

It can be used in place of chemical or petroleum-based lubricants.

Leather, wood, and even metal can be polished.

Polish wooden furniture with two parts olive oil and one part lemon juice. You can also use basic olive oil to revive and shine conditioned leather, but make sure to wash away any excess oil after around 30 minutes.

Take Care of Your Cat

A teaspoon of olive oil can help prevent hairballs and promote a healthy, lustrous coat. Furthermore, most anti-hairball lubricants are petroleum-based, which is bad for your cat’s digestive system, and it is a renewable resource rather than petroleum, which is not.

For good quality olive oil, you should get it from a refined olive oil exporter or a bulk olive oil exporter.

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